Ureic nitrogen 12% with low Biuret content;
Boron (B) 1.5%; Manganese (Mn) 4%; Zinc (Zn) 5%; Magnesium oxide (MgO) 5%, Fe 5%, Cu 0.5%
SICOCHEL MICROSTAR II contains a balanced mixture of the micronutrients particularly adapted to the nutritional requirements of citrus fruits.
The presence of the bisodic EDTA permits to reduce the hardness of irrigation water in order to improve the solubility and the effectiveness of this fertilizer.
Delivery plant nutrients through the leaves is widely used in citrus cultivation due to the notable ability of leaves to absorb and use large parts of the nutritious elements, especially where conditions do not allow for easy absorption through the root.
The composition of SICOCHEL MICROSTAR II offers a good vegetative recovery and prevents the fall of the fruits at the fruit growth stage.
The quasi absence of Biuret eliminates the toxic action caused by this component in other fertilizer.
The ureic nitrogen supports the penetration of other micronutrients in the leaves.
Boron is essential for several physiological processes which are under hormonal control (flowering, germination of pollen,…).
In the alkaline grounds, this element can be immobilized and the zinc is not very available.
Zinc and manganese are very important for the growth and the development of citrus fruits (see ZIMAN). All that arouses a great interest with the foliar treatments to maintain the nutritional balance of the plant.
SICOCHEL MICROSTAR II is used when the leaves of spring-summer-autumnal vegetative flow are completely developed and during the critical time of the fruit setting to help the plant to overcome the productive phase.
These interventions permit to support the foliar damage caused by the leaf-miner.
SICOCHEL MICROSTAR II correct also the manifestations of the microelement deficiencies, however it is better always to prevent them.
The dosage is 300 - 400 grams by hectoliter of water.
The product can be mixed with the most common pesticide products except those with alkaline reaction.
Greenhouse :
Foliar: 150 g/hl
Root treatment: 30 Kg/ha
Strawberry, Vegetables with fruit and with sheet :
Foliar: 150-200 g/hl
Root treatment: 30-40 Kg/ha
Alfafla and Sunflower :
Foliar: 150-200 g/hl
Root treatment: 30-40 Kg/ha
Pear, Apple, Plum, Apricot, Peach, Cherry, Citrus:
Foliar: 250-300 g/hl
Root treatment: 50-70 Kg/ha
Actinidia, Olive :
Foliar: 250 g/hl
Table and wine grapes :
Foliar: 200-250 g/hl
Floriculture :
Foliar: 100-150 g/hl
Root treatment: 2-3 Kg/ha
1 Kg tins in cardboards of 12 pieces each one.